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106B - WeCodeKC
ProX Summer Interns
About the Pitch
Kansas City Metro
United States
ProX Summer
School or Organization:
Competition Brief
ProX is a Real World Learning initiative providing summer professional experiences for high school students.
About Us
Our problem is that the system in place for WeCode class signup is inefficient for clients and does not allow WeCode to keep track of student progress. Our solution to this problem is a redesign of the website’s registration system to incorporate class signup into the WeCode site itself, allowing us to effectively manage our students and classes, and drastically shortening the complexity of the registration process. Our main audience is those who want to register for WeCode classes, but cannot or do not due to the amount of time it takes, as well as those who attend our classes repeatedly and suffer from the fact that we are unable to accurately keep track of their past instruction. Our next steps in the process would be to ask for funding for the creation of the site, and to inform our current customers of the incoming changes to our registration system.
Inefficient class signup system.
Redesign of the website’s registration system to incorporate class signup.
Target Market
Those who want to register for WeCode classes.
Societal Impact
Improved registration process and student tracking.
Next Steps
Seek funding for the creation of the site and inform current customers of the upcoming changes.
Our Schools and Districts
Use of Backer Contributions
We are not currently accepting financial contributions from our voters. This pitch is part of the ProX competition.

Thank you to our supporters!
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1- Did not do
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3- Some requirements met
4- Most requirements met
5- All requirements met
Criteria One:
1- Did not do
2- Little evidence
3- Some requirements met
4- Most requirements met
5- All requirements met
Criteria Two:
1- Did not do
2- Little evidence
3- Some requirements met
4- Most requirements met
5- All requirements met
Criteria Three:
1- Did not do
2- Little evidence
3- Some requirements met
4- Most requirements met
5- All requirements met
Criteria Four:
1- Did not do
2- Little evidence
3- Some requirements met
4- Most requirements met
5- All requirements met
Criteria Five:
Total Rating:
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