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This competition has ended, we're not accepting votes and contributions anymore.

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Jackson County Records Center

About the Pitch

Kansas City


United States

ProX Summer




School or Organization:

Competition Brief

Over the past five weeks, ProX Participants have worked with one of our 120+ employers to solve real-world problems within their company or industry. They have engaged with human-centered design to create viable, feasiable solutions. Below are all of the pitches from the 2024 ProX experience. Watch the pitches, find your favorite, and place your votes!

About Us

My employer works for the Jackson County Records Center and they scan and ship records to people who need them.


Customers find it difficult to navigate the records website, and the records have poor quality.


Redesign the website and improve the quality of scanned documents.

Target Market

Jackson County residents.

Societal Impact

Improved customer experience and access to records.

Next Steps

Hire an employee to finish the project and update the website.

Our Schools and Districts

Raytown South High School (Raytown C-2 School District)

Use of Backer Contributions

We are not accepting contributions during the pitch competition. Please join us on Thursday, July 11, as we showcase the work of all interns, recognize our trifold winners, and watch the live pitch finalists on the big stage. Learn more and RSVP at:

Jackson County Records Center
Thank you to our supporters!

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Judge Access:
Make an Assessment

1- Did not do

2- Little evidence

3- Some requirements met

4- Most requirements met

5- All requirements met

Criteria One:

1- Did not do

2- Little evidence

3- Some requirements met

4- Most requirements met

5- All requirements met

Criteria Two:

1- Did not do

2- Little evidence

3- Some requirements met

4- Most requirements met

5- All requirements met

Criteria Three:

1- Did not do

2- Little evidence

3- Some requirements met

4- Most requirements met

5- All requirements met

Criteria Four:

1- Did not do

2- Little evidence

3- Some requirements met

4- Most requirements met

5- All requirements met

Criteria Five:

Total Rating:


Thanks for contributing to the growth of young innovators!

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