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Team Bomb Voyage

Bomb Voyage

About the Pitch

Kansas City Metro


United States

ProX Summer




School or Organization:

Competition Brief

ProX is a Real World Learning initiative providing summer professional experiences for high school students.

About Us

My employer is Judith Possin, and she is the CEO of Bomb Voyage. Currently, she is promoting Bath Bombs.


Mothers with young children being stressed out and not having time to dedicate to themselves.


Our solution is a getaway experience where the consumer is able to enjoy the dream vacation. This package includes a bath bomb for relaxation and a vacation themed experience.

Target Market

Mothers with young children ages 18-35 are most likely to be affected by the problem.

Societal Impact

To inspire mothers to take self-care even though they have children.

Next Steps

In order to make our products a success, we need to obtain funds to create the getaway experience.

Our Schools and Districts

It has made us build skills like being able to market and learn about social media marketing ethics.

Use of Backer Contributions

We are not currently accepting contributions from our voters. This pitch is part of the ProX competition for $5,000. $5,000 will cover our total expenses for bath bombs, supplies, and packaging.

Bomb Voyage
Thank you to our supporters!

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1- Did not do

2- Little evidence

3- Some requirements met

4- Most requirements met

5- All requirements met

Criteria One:

1- Did not do

2- Little evidence

3- Some requirements met

4- Most requirements met

5- All requirements met

Criteria Two:

1- Did not do

2- Little evidence

3- Some requirements met

4- Most requirements met

5- All requirements met

Criteria Three:

1- Did not do

2- Little evidence

3- Some requirements met

4- Most requirements met

5- All requirements met

Criteria Four:

1- Did not do

2- Little evidence

3- Some requirements met

4- Most requirements met

5- All requirements met

Criteria Five:

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