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JoCo Mental Health Shortage
Johnson County Mental Health
About the Pitch
Kansas City Metro
United States
ProX Summer
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Competition Brief
ProX is a Real World Learning initiative providing summer professional experiences for high school students.
About Us
Tim DeWeese is the director of all three mental health centers in the Johnson County area. DeWeese helps the people in the Johnson County area by providing services in the four divisions, as well as emphasizing mental health through Zero Reasons Why, Friends of Johnson County, and the Suicide Prevention Coalition.
The Johnson County Mental Health Center faces many problems, however, their biggest problem is the workforce shortage.
Prabhav and I are pitching a solution to open up the opportunities and benefits to students in elementary to high school. This will allow students to seek a better career path in the mental health field and to have more graduates entering the workforce in the future. We will be pitching ideas to provide better community outreach activities, high school internships, as well as job fairs for graduates leaving college.
Target Market
The main people who are affected by this problem are those facing any mental health crisis or improper substance abuse. Without having more employees, it lowers the success rates for new patients, current patients, and those attempting to re-enter their community.
Societal Impact
Our solution will improve the workforce at the Johnson County Mental Health Center. This means that, with more employees in the future, more patients can be successfully helped in the community. This solution will also allow more students to learn about what their career path in the mental health industry can do for them, allowing more students to graduate and join the workforce at a mental health center.
Next Steps
Our next steps would to reach out to the district board members of the Blue Valley School District, Olathe School District, and Shawnee Mission School District to ensure that we can implement our solution in their schools. After confirming the implementation of our solution, we can start creating activities in the schools and partake in their assembles, school events, school games, and clubs.
Our Schools and Districts
We have learned the importance of empathy work and how it is crucial to ask the proper questions during an interview in order to find a common problem each division has. We applied this empathy work into our solution to improve the workforce and help more people in our community.
Use of Backer Contributions
We are not currently accepting contributions from our voters. This pitch is part of the ProX competition for $5,000. We will use this extra funding to pay for future basketball/football games to be able to spread and talk about the mental health career path. We will also be using this extra funding to pay off the summer internships we are providing to two interns and maybe pay extra to have more interns.

Thank you to our supporters!
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